Welcome to BioHarmony. I will be sharing thoughts, experiments, and explorations building towards a BioHarmonic world. To me, that means a BioRegional Network of OpenSource Regenerative Communities.
I have a background in Software Engineering, so a lot of my lens will be on the technology side of things. Ultimately, I am all about restoring balance between people, nature, and technology.
I am a firm believer in Open Source philosophies, so all of my content will always be free. That being said, I have a family of 6 to provide for while we’re digging our way out of C@pItali$m. So if you like what you read and want to see the world I’m building towards, your support with a paid subscription is incredibly welcome.
Thank you!

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BioHarmonic Architect. Carving an escape path from Capitalism. OpenSource Everything. Building a Network of OpenSource Regenerative Communities.