Right now I have a truckbox camper, but it's on a trailer so I can grip it and rip it!

At this point I'm not too fussy. I've been to some rickity farms :) if I could even call um that. OSE has this mud hut community centre for example... It wasn't high end but it has a big common room and rooms all along each side. So like a community centre I think would be a a good start. And leave room to grow it. I'm envisioning a jam room/studio , def community kitchen , a sewing/clothe fixing room (fashion shows anyone!!!) a theatre of sorts would go hand n hand... I guess depends on what community wants and. Priorities. I'm sort of an Art is the point of points kind of guy.

Ya actually some kind of awning or whatever from rain n Snow would be great.

I feel like a mobile tiny home shop could be a staple - build um, sell um, rent um out.. some are very pricey.. but old gym sets ans many other "waste" products could be used I think , like old gym gear - is light metal and rugged enough! I paid $500 for camper and $500 for trailer. Canadian! Over time I think it be fair to have some uptown hussy , dollhouse of a tiny home neighborhood. I have rickity aesthetic taste.

Also a computer lab/office would be cool. My grandiose project is a TUI. Tangible user interface. Basically QR code stickers on anything mapped to a spread sheet as a particular uuid and then however we'd connect patterns to other "aspects" or developments. So I'm actually wanting a place to park it to develop that tbh. I'd want a team to work with as well and for people to be interested in the use would be preferred... Hopefully I'll have requirements presentation soon. It's definitely a solar punk of a database and computer system. Imagine salt shakers representing salt! Haha. Or anything for that matter. A staple language set is P-A-M-M; perspective aspect meaning maker . Kind of like that old board game clue : colonel mustard, using a dinky car to represent his car mechanics plans : ERP: inventory, sop's , safety, however mustard wants to organize info. But i would think he might want to get on a common community category structure. Say what we want about colonialism : the baby is the admin system sharing. It's a brilliant idea - but I want to accommodate not assimilate...the later makes for dirty dirty bath water.

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Sounds great!

Yes, lots of community amenities! I like the sound of all of those you mentioned. I might combine the sewing/clothe fixing with a general makerspace, and the jam room/studio with the theatre. But like you said, it will come down to what we have available and what the community needs.

Yes, a tiny home shop would be epic! My cousin built his own, and would love to help. I've visited with a guy out of Texas who runs one. Definitely a market for it, and I'd love for the people who come through some of the sister villages to have the opportunity to rent-to-own, and be able to move to other villages once they've detoxed and healed up a bit.

The TUI sounds pretty cool. Looking forward to your requirements presentation!

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I really like the bio region division. I haven't put a lot on thought on that yet, tbh. Nomadic urban professionals - nuppies - will be like the solar punk masons! Traveling around fixing leaks and helping to set up bioregional services from templates/forms. Bioregional libraries and directories. Supply chains. Imagine super imposing Nodal networks over different types of maps/atlas's. Nodal paths/circuits. Mushroom picker routes, animal routes, even trash stratum routes - to industrial processes - there is a lot of useful waste thrown out for sure by mills, mines, etc. Having land being ready for cheap deals is half the battle.. A transition economy might be setup to rent out some of this stuff - aerial lift machines, etc. perhaps blue collar white collar shism could be sewn. Make American F#¢k Again :) MAFA. Society's upper management/workers divide is a major problem. The communication is too often unilateral , aka one direction.... Anyways I'm hoping AI models could be inclusive proper , not fist forcing langauge down peoples throats by upper management!... Ya sorry disgruntled blue collar tweaker over here! Not so interested in moral coercions by uninterested Other.... Diy choose your own adventures, but social contracts "as it happens" for sharing resources is sort of a socialist realism... contracts could be case by case and often are necessarily public - by proxy. So there is that complication. The bio region maps could compile a certian etiquette or rules of engagement would unfold respective of the region (nature) and stewards (humans)!

More land stewards - land owners and local guides. I think would be a big part of kicking this off! Get RV zoning lands and get plug ins for mobile tiny homes - nipple-in/nipple-out designs! Let me park there for a few months! 😜 #master_woofer

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Thanks! I'm falling in love with BioRegionalism too. Going to OACC has been so eye-opening.

I see it! So thankful to have you on this ride! Let's make it happen!

What's your ideal gypsy living situation? TinyHome, RV, Van? If you could pull into a village and plug into one of our OffGrid Spa Dome Camps, how awesome would that be?

A canopy for your vehicle, a BioGas hookup for black tanks, and a Solar-powered micro-grid. A tunnel connecting the canopy to your own OffGrid Spa Dome.

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