<3 i have been plinking plunking away at the concept of a legally-registered non-profit DAO (x) non-puritanical mutual-credit system since about 2019 (well i had to take breaks lol), which allows for foreigners to travel between countries & contribute to the communities there - providing an alternative path to home-ownership. i feel like it's almost ready to be shared, and i my next step is to acquire my own 1st house/hut/land while refining the model - kinda like a prototype/MVP.
I've been exploring some ideas of the POW (proof of work) concept for blockchain building. The idea is that it takes work to make something valuable. It may be a required aspect of money making.
Could we use the POW concept to incentivize open-source development? People who create versions of usable blocs could be compensated with bloc values. There are things to think about like vertical vs horizontal development. General theories which potenialize a bloc and particular praxis which show actualized versions. It's certainly complex but doable.
I've been working on pseudo-terrains that could then be mapped. demand could be voted up, followers would also show demand. Also a consumer rating system, although a seperate project would inter-relate. EX: even a simple rating system like red=bad, orange=meh, yellow = getting there, green= das what i want! could show loyalties and demands. side note _ we'd pretty much all have to accept that we in mostly in the red for everything, haha. maybe my lettuce is a greener ;)
another aspect might be proffered in something i call amorality. The "a" denotes not ordered yet, which is actually inclusive and consent can be made as it happens: accommodation rather than assimilation the relevance here is related to functional transparency. Surveillance is a reality. A major problem is we have it setup backward in our society - public officials should be the first ones surveilled. Some blue collar tweaker who holds no public decision making power who happens to be racist is not high social priority. And the cost is also hubrisly high.- not to dismiss the problem either as it could be a ground up community initiative to work toward solutions "as it happens." but not necessarily pounded down every last town who doesn't even complain of the respective problem - another unilateral upper management blanket solution by empire! The amorality aspect is meant to be a place to discuss value is the point after all that :) By morality i mean in essence: self-other relationships. The functional transparency section would be the context structure and the amorality would be the place to develop post and make versions of stuff like Rules of enagagement, social contracts, and commitment structures. The point is eluding me as I type but i think there is something practical here somewhere. versionable contracts would be valueable and bloc chain or hashed uuid verification could be used to make sure that its a version from a trusted source. SO not to have to read the fine print every freakin time! lessening the legal gotcha loopholes!
I've been getting to know blockchain/holochain a bit better to see where they'll fit in all this. As for how to incentivize OpenSource work, I have yet to find a singular answer. For me, I am hoping that as we back up and do the Regenerative Community part first -- we'll have less need for monetary compensation and can simply work on the OpenSource projects that resonate with us.
But until we get there, it is tricky. The popular and successful OpenSource projects always find some way to still monetize their project -- either with a "fully managed" hosted version, or a premium version with "enterprise" features. I don't really like either of those, as they feel like a distraction -- but if it's what we have to do in the meantime, so be it. I also see potential for crowdfunding platforms -- https://opencollective.com/ is doing good work. Then it becomes a matter of organizing and marketing your OpenSource project to attract donors.
How to divide up the money is tricky too. I wish it could be as simple as treating everyone's time the same way. "Time banking" could work, but I haven't decided if it's beautifully simple or too naive.
Thanks for joining the conversation, let's keep exploring and moving forward!
I think our knowledge is pixelated. We seem more stuck in (dot, . , data, pixels) the acausal logic. That's actually not too bad. But we seem to stop mostly at (lines, information) simple cause and effect but no ideal tracks, structure to follow. What I'm getting at is, fragmented. So I think there are "transition systems" as you say. There are circuits appearing more and more though. We still stuck in chrony capitalism so I think that is this background - middle ground, we keep slipping into.
I think your bang on with the get the communities going first. When we get some stability back we can take more risks and experiment with different frames and model them
<3 i have been plinking plunking away at the concept of a legally-registered non-profit DAO (x) non-puritanical mutual-credit system since about 2019 (well i had to take breaks lol), which allows for foreigners to travel between countries & contribute to the communities there - providing an alternative path to home-ownership. i feel like it's almost ready to be shared, and i my next step is to acquire my own 1st house/hut/land while refining the model - kinda like a prototype/MVP.
Yes! That sounds epic! I'd love to learn more when you're ready to share. 💚
like an international barter of sorts? Sounds sweet!
I've been exploring some ideas of the POW (proof of work) concept for blockchain building. The idea is that it takes work to make something valuable. It may be a required aspect of money making.
Could we use the POW concept to incentivize open-source development? People who create versions of usable blocs could be compensated with bloc values. There are things to think about like vertical vs horizontal development. General theories which potenialize a bloc and particular praxis which show actualized versions. It's certainly complex but doable.
I've been working on pseudo-terrains that could then be mapped. demand could be voted up, followers would also show demand. Also a consumer rating system, although a seperate project would inter-relate. EX: even a simple rating system like red=bad, orange=meh, yellow = getting there, green= das what i want! could show loyalties and demands. side note _ we'd pretty much all have to accept that we in mostly in the red for everything, haha. maybe my lettuce is a greener ;)
another aspect might be proffered in something i call amorality. The "a" denotes not ordered yet, which is actually inclusive and consent can be made as it happens: accommodation rather than assimilation the relevance here is related to functional transparency. Surveillance is a reality. A major problem is we have it setup backward in our society - public officials should be the first ones surveilled. Some blue collar tweaker who holds no public decision making power who happens to be racist is not high social priority. And the cost is also hubrisly high.- not to dismiss the problem either as it could be a ground up community initiative to work toward solutions "as it happens." but not necessarily pounded down every last town who doesn't even complain of the respective problem - another unilateral upper management blanket solution by empire! The amorality aspect is meant to be a place to discuss value is the point after all that :) By morality i mean in essence: self-other relationships. The functional transparency section would be the context structure and the amorality would be the place to develop post and make versions of stuff like Rules of enagagement, social contracts, and commitment structures. The point is eluding me as I type but i think there is something practical here somewhere. versionable contracts would be valueable and bloc chain or hashed uuid verification could be used to make sure that its a version from a trusted source. SO not to have to read the fine print every freakin time! lessening the legal gotcha loopholes!
Yes! So many great ideas to explore!
I've been getting to know blockchain/holochain a bit better to see where they'll fit in all this. As for how to incentivize OpenSource work, I have yet to find a singular answer. For me, I am hoping that as we back up and do the Regenerative Community part first -- we'll have less need for monetary compensation and can simply work on the OpenSource projects that resonate with us.
But until we get there, it is tricky. The popular and successful OpenSource projects always find some way to still monetize their project -- either with a "fully managed" hosted version, or a premium version with "enterprise" features. I don't really like either of those, as they feel like a distraction -- but if it's what we have to do in the meantime, so be it. I also see potential for crowdfunding platforms -- https://opencollective.com/ is doing good work. Then it becomes a matter of organizing and marketing your OpenSource project to attract donors.
How to divide up the money is tricky too. I wish it could be as simple as treating everyone's time the same way. "Time banking" could work, but I haven't decided if it's beautifully simple or too naive.
Thanks for joining the conversation, let's keep exploring and moving forward!
I think our knowledge is pixelated. We seem more stuck in (dot, . , data, pixels) the acausal logic. That's actually not too bad. But we seem to stop mostly at (lines, information) simple cause and effect but no ideal tracks, structure to follow. What I'm getting at is, fragmented. So I think there are "transition systems" as you say. There are circuits appearing more and more though. We still stuck in chrony capitalism so I think that is this background - middle ground, we keep slipping into.
I think your bang on with the get the communities going first. When we get some stability back we can take more risks and experiment with different frames and model them
It's good to be here