Regenerate.Earth Kickstarter Script
I'm looking for feedback before we get into video production
I had a really rough draft, and my wife added some lovely marketing flair. How is this sounding so far?
[open on gorgeous nature shot]
We were given this world, our home, Earth. And what a beautiful gift she is. It is our collective responsibility as humans to take care of her, and she is asking for our help.
[images showing smog, acid rains, forest fires, ocean pollution, etc]
It is no secret that the Earth is in danger and that a lot of our wrongs need to be righted. Long-term solutions to these problems require us to think outside the box. Modern society has managed to put us firmly inside so many boxes.
[images of Home, suburb, apartment complex, city, skyscraper, cubicle, laptop, phone overlay until they cover entire image of nature]
But we are done living in boxes.
[previous overlaid images explode to reveal a goofy, bearded, white-Jesus-looking man standing in a field]
We have everything we need to help regenerate the earth and help return it to the beautiful sanctuary it was meant to be.
We have each other.
[possible other people enter frame and come together, hold hands, move together]
We have the Earth.
[motion towards dome building site/empty field]
We have the ultimate tool to connect us.
[overlay of different websites used with OpenSource / Regen movement]
And the more we connect with others, the more we realize how many of us have this same desire for Regeneration.
[possible overlay of various blogs/profiles of people we have networked with so far]
But where do we start?
[another explosion of the data on the screen to return to the goofy beard-man, standing alone]
There are all sorts of games and tools like the Sims and Rollercoaster Tycoon that help to encourage building with tools and materials that can be harmful to our planet.
[overlays of concrete factories, deforestation, other factories?]
I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if we built something similar, using more natural and environmentally-friendly materials and designs. Building BioRegional EarthShips, planting BioRegional Food Forests, connecting the BioRegional pioneers with the people who want to work for a better future.
Looking at all these questions, it is easy to become overwhelmed. But one thing did become very clear, the further I dove into this vision.
We need a plan. We need Regenerate.Earth.

Regenerate.Earth is an OpenSource tool that will allow us to plan out projects like family Homesteads, EcoResorts, EcoVillages, OffGrid Settlements, and Healing Regenerative Communities. There will be gaming aspects similar to that of Sims and Rollercoaster Tycoon. But instead of focusing on profits and the “boxed-in” life, we track things like:
habitation capacity
food production
energy production
[video of land import process]
Import the project’s land by simply drawing on a map. We import the topography and terrain from satellite imagery, and present you with a Sims-like interface, full of guidance and options tailored to your BioRegion.
[Indigenous Information, EarthShips, Food Forests, OffGrid Utilities, Circular Systems, GeoShip, EkoDome, HomeBioGas]
There is a rich Library of OpenSource, DIY-able projects for those with the time and energy to do it yourself. There is a network of local educators, workshop hosts, and other BioRegional Resources to learn the skills you need. And for those privileged with more money than time, the option to purchase EcoProducts from Regenerative Enterprises.
[Back to the goofy dude in the field]
I will be using Regenerate.Earth myself as I work towards building a network of Healing Regenerative Communities in my own BioRegion.
[Eden’esque images]
Have you ever dreamed of living in an EcoVillage, running an EcoResort, or just getting your family off the Grid?
Do you have sustainable skills to share with others, or Regenerative Products to sell?
Do you simply see the dire state of the world and understand the need for change?
If so, then I humbly ask for your support on this KickStarter.
We can do this. And we can do it better and faster by working together.
Thank you.
Here are the current backing levels I am considering.
I’m open to suggestions and feedback. Thank you!
Is this a planning software or a video game. While I love the idea of approaching building a plan for regenerative community building, it isn’t fully clear in this introduction.
Keep up the beautiful work!
Vibing with this. I just wrote a story that is like it's great grandchild ;)