I had several requests for more information and elaboration on this post. Please note that none of these lists are exhaustive. They are simply what I have explored so far. If you know of any resources that I should add, please let me know in the comments. Here we go!
Who are “we?” Well, it certainly isn’t just us here at BioHarmony. “We” are several movements and communities overlapping and working together. There are the wider Regenerative, SolarPunk, and Web3 movements that are building tools and networks that will apply to many solutions. And then there are those honing in on the idea of Networking Regenerative Communities.
What is the “Ark?”
It is not a literal boat. It is so much bigger than that. We are scooping up land that has been (or is about to be) ravaged by C@pItali$m, and turning it into Regenerative Sanctuaries. Safe places for all life to flourish.
What is “Regenerative?”
Short answer: A paradigm shift away from extortion, beyond “sustainability”, into healing and abundance.
It encapsulates and overlaps with a lot of other ideas. Here are some examples.
Replacing the industrial food system that depletes soil and biodiversity, disconnects us from the nature of our food, and fills us with poison — with Permaculture that builds the soil and biodiversity, connects us back to our food, and heals us.
Replacing closed-source software that benefits the Tech Oligarchy, fills our minds with ads and negativity, and tries to immerse us in the digital world — with OpenSource software that benefits us all and connects us to create positivity in the real world.
Replacing extortive hierarchical models that allow power and greed to run rampant — with Holacracies, DAOs, and CoOperatives that ensure fair energy compensation and democratic representation.
The list goes on, but I hope those examples are enough to get you interested in Regenerating.
Network State
What is a “Network State?”
I am NOT referring to the “Network State” being proposed by the Tech Oligarchy.
I am talking about a layer of technology that connects all of these blossoming regenerative communities. It is Open, CoOperative, Distributed, and Federated. Built entirely on OpenSource software. It brings our collaboration and resiliency to a point where we can opt out of our surrounding C@pItali$t systems.
It ties into much of the work being done in the Web3 space. However, it is important to note that not everything claiming the Web3 label fits here. This is where the Web3 and Regenerative circles overlap.
I hope the above sections answer some of your questions, spark your curiosity, and give you some resources to dig deeper.
All of those links weren’t BioHarmony. So, what is BioHarmony’s role in building the Ark?
I have a decade of experience in the software industry, where the OpenSource movement is quite popular. I will continue to contribute to OpenSource software, but am also looking at organizations like One Community Global and Open Source Ecology to make sure everything we need to build the Ark is Open Source.
Part of this journey is an article series I’m working on — “OpenSource Yourself” — starting with an unboxing/review of the FairPhone 4.
We are taking EarthShip principles, SolarPunk aesthetics, and BioRegional resources to create affordable, DIY-able, OpenSource, off-grid designs.
Local Communities
Once those aspects have been developed, it all comes together to build the network of healing villages that our BioRegion needs.
Thank you for reading. I pray you found hope or inspiration in this post. There is a lot of work to do. I am so thankful that we aren’t doing it alone.
This is the last month that I am allowing myself to rely on contract work to “keep the bills paid.” I don’t know all the details about how, but BioHarmony has to support us — because it has to be built. We are jumping — trusting in God’s abundance and provision to make sure we have what we need while we build. Any sharing, support, connections, resources, or questions are welcome.
In service to God and the Regenerative Rennaisance.
Love it! I resonate deeply with this whole stack. I was just talking with my twin brother today and we both felt the exact seem thing over the last 10 days, we are being called to leap into the unknown and fully trust that GOD is making the way. Follow that nudge! One of my favorite quotes from Terrence McKenna - “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”
Love this and am yearning to witness you integrate Open Source Everything Guild and the process therein into BioHarmony writings.